Природа Байкала | автор AEMoutsource aemoutsource | Комментарии

Природа Байкала

авторский проект Вячеслава Петухина
автор AEMoutsource aemoutsource | Комментарии
Where the streets are all around trampled (that is, to the Zyryansky Creek), you can arrive on anything all-wheel drive or with a high suspension, say on the Niva. In summer they take a diversion along the street from Bolshoy Lug to Kurma and the cordon, and in winter, when the potholes after Orlyonok are covered with snow, you can go straight across Rassokha. Thanks. <a href="https://aemoutsource.com/hireaemteam.php">Hire AEM team in India</a>

Байкал и Прибайкалье. Природа Байкала. 2007.